Words of encouragement with Kensington Consultancy UK Limited logo, cranes and pagoda in the background.

Come wind and rain (trials and hardships), as always, we move forward together, to create a better future.

30 January 2020

On 23 January 2020, just two days before the Lunar New Year of the Rat, the Chinese central government imposed a lockdown in Wuhan in an effort to control the outbreak of the novel coronavirus Covid-19.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) stated that the actions taken by the Chinese government as “unprecedented in public health history”.

Wuhan is the capital city of Hubei province and has a population of over 11 million. It is a major transportation hub in central China, connecting to other major cities.

The lockdown happened during a period called, chun yun when the largest human migration on the planet takes place. The 40 day period is when Chinese migrant workers head home to celebrate the Lunar New Year or Spring Festival with their families. Some 3 billion trips are expected to be made during 2020 chun yun period.

We pray that the outbreak will be contained and lives can return to normal soon.