9 April 2020

Jesus at Last Supper table wearing a face mask.

Last Supper by Leonardo Da Vinci.

These famous classical paintings are edited with messages to remind us of social distancing, maintaining good personal hygiene and a clean environment.

Happy Easter, everyone!

“During the current coronavirus pandemic, many people still ignore the basic rules of quarantine and personal security. We can say that the ability to preserve the quarantine – is a kind of art. This is how we came up with idea of “Art of Quarantine” campaign, launched in association with Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine. Classic art pieces get a new look and teach how to stop the spread of COVID-19 and stay safe. As a part of global campaign #FlattenTheCurve, we aim to stop the spread of the disease and share this message to the maximum number of people all over the world.”

(Source: Digital advertisement created by Looma, Ukraine for Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine)

Man in red washing his hands.

Portrait of a Yong Man in Red by Raphael.

A man in suit wearing a face mask.

The Son of a Man by Rene Magritte.

A couple in embrace, man wearing face masks and blue gloves seen pushing the woman away.

Orpheus and Eurydice by Frederic Leighton.

God's hand providing hand sanitiser to Adam's hand.

The Creation of Adam by Michaelangelo.

A woman in prayer, wearing blue gloves.

Praying Madonna by Giovanni Battista Salvi.

Woman wearing a face mask carrying bags of pasta, rice and red beans,

Lady with an Ermine by Leonardo Da Vinci.

Woman wearing face mask and blue gloves, holding a credit card and a credit card terminal.

Mrs Worrell as Hebe by Benjamin West.

Napoleon wearing face mask , carrying a food delivery bag, on a white horse.